
Tractor Packages for Sale in Indianola, MS

Buying a tractor is a great start to getting work done around your property, but that is only the first step. To be able to complete several jobs around your property, you need implements to go along with your tractor. If you are buying your first tractor or simply trying to boost your fleet, the best option for you might be to purchase a tractor package. When you buy a tractor package you not only get a tractor but also implements that help you get things done. This can save you money and time compared to buying these things separately. If you are in the Indianola, MS area, check out our valuable tractor packages at Wade Inc.

What’s in our tractor packages?

Each tractor package comes with one of our John Deere compact tractors, a loader, a rotary cutter, a box blade, and a trailer for easy transport. This can be very useful for several landscaping projects as well as a few agricultural projects.

Tractor options

There is a different compact tractor in each package. The Bluff Cutter package features the 1025R sub-compact tractor. This is a great choice for those seeking a starter tractor to carry out maintenance tasks around their home or small property. Equipped with Twin Touch controls, easy implement swaps, and power steering, there is great value in this sub-compact tractor. 

The Delta Cutter package comes with the 3025D compact tractor. This 3D Series tractor is known for its wagon-hauling capabilities, very impressive for a small tractor. This tractor includes a gear drive transmission with eight speeds in forward and reverse directions, a heavy-duty drivetrain, and convenient serviceability options.

Last but not least, the Valley Cutter package includes a 3035D compact tractor. This tractor has the same wagon-hauling capabilities and renowned features as the 3035D tractor but has an advantage in horsepower with up to 34.7 hp available. 


A loader is an essential implement for any compact tractor. Each package comes with a loader compatible with its featured tractor. You can pair your tractor with a loader for easy transport of materials as well as loading and unloading materials, which is necessary for nearly any project.

Rotary Cutter

Any property with unruly grasses or weeds needs a rotary cutter. Rotary cutters can improve the look of your land by cutting rough grasses and brush for a more tamed terrain. Not to be confused with a mower which is exclusively for turfgrass, a rotary cutter tackles the most stubborn and toughest of grasses. This can be useful for homeowners and small farmers.

Box Blade

A Box Blade is a versatile implement useful for many applications. The 3-sided metal box with front and rear blades is excellent for grading and leveling tasks, useful for many landscaping projects. You can pull this out when you need to level out a gravel driveway, backfill an area of land for a driveway, or even spread out materials such as soil.

If you have any questions about our tractor packages don’t hesitate to give us a call or visit our Indianola location and we’ll be happy to assist you!